Top 50+ Python Interview Questions

May 21, 2024
Prepare for your Python programming interview with our top 50+ essential questions and answers guide.

1. What is Python? List some popular applications of Python in the world of technology.

Python is a popular programming language that many people use. It was made by Guido van Rossum in 1991 and is now improved by the Python Software Foundation. It is easy to read and write, so you can do more with less code.
Python is used for:
  • Writing scripts for computer systems
  • Building websites
  • Making games
  • Creating software
  • Solving hard math problems

2. What are the benefits of using Python language as a tool in the present scenario?

  • Easy to Learn and Use: Python has simple words and clear rules, making it easy for beginners.
  • Readability: The code is clean and easy to understand, which helps when working with others.
  • Versatility: You can use Python for many things like web development, data analysis, machine learning, and more.
  • Large Community: There are many people who use Python, so you can find lots of help and resources online.
  • Libraries and Frameworks: Python has many ready-made tools and libraries, which help you do things faster and easier.
  • Cross-Platform: Python works on different operating systems like Windows, Mac, and Linux.
  • Automation: Python can help automate repetitive tasks, saving time and reducing errors.
  • Strong Support for Integration: Python can easily connect with other languages and technologies, making it flexible for different projects.

3. Is Python a compiled language or an interpreted language?

Python is both a compiled and an interpreted language. When you run Python code, it is first turned into a special code called byte code. Then, the Python Virtual Machine (PVM) changes this byte code to work on your computer and operating system. So, Python does both compiling and interpreting.

4. What does the ‘#’ symbol do in Python?

‘#’ is used to comment on everything that comes after on the line.

5. What is the difference between a Mutable datatype and an Immutable data type?

Mutable data types can be changed after they are created. Examples are List and Dictionary.
Immutable data types cannot be changed after they are created. Examples are String and Tuple.

6. How are arguments passed by value or by reference in Python?

In Python, the way arguments are passed to functions is a bit different. It’s not exactly "by value" or "by reference" like in some other languages. Here's a simple way to understand it:
  • When you pass a basic type (like a number or a string) to a function, it is like making a copy. If you change it inside the function, the original value outside the function doesn't change.
  • When you pass a more complex type (like a list or a dictionary), it is like giving a link to the original thing. If you change it inside the function, the original thing outside the function also changes.
    • So, you can think of it as:
      • Basic types (numbers, strings) are like copies.
      • Complex types (lists, dictionaries) are like links.

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